Wednesday, June 25, 2014


MILK-BLOOD has arrived.
I put it on sale yesterday, and overnight it found its way into the top 100 horror novels on amazon.

"The most original horror novel I've read in years," says The Horror Bookshelf.

I really need to thank a few folks.
First, my wife and family for putting up with me. I've had this story in my veins for some time, and spent many hours letting it bleed out. Being the spouse of one with such an obsession is not easy

Thanks to Kealan Patrick Burke for making the outsides shine, and to Richard Thomas for making the insides glisten. Both were a joy to work with.

So many writers have given me support. Thanks to John F.D. Taff, for the the force is strong in you. Julie Hutchings, for urging me to let it take as long as it takes. Peter Rosch, for being a level 9 paranoid who still trusted me. Shana Festa, a true bookie-monster. Michele Miller, for all kinds of support. Joe Hart, for helping me with Wicked Run Press, and thanks to a list of authors who's morsels of kind words kept me fully fed including Jan Kozlowski, J.C. Michaels, Weston Kincade, and more recently, Craig McGray, Adam Light, and I'm certain a writer or two I've forgotten and to be named later. 

Thanks to Beta-readers, Author Gary Ceclia, and Charlene, Deborah, and Chris from Goodreads, who helped shape the story in so many ways. 

$2.99 kindle
$6.99 paperback

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