Thursday, April 18, 2024

My Novella KALI'S WEB to be published by Torrid Waters/Crystal Lake Entertainment in 2025


Check it out! 
Happy to announce that TORRID WATERS, the new imprint from Crystal Lake Entertainment, will be publishing my novella KALI's WEB, in 2025. 


Imagine if Cronenberg rewrote Trainspotting within the universe of Les Miserables after reading Charlotte's Web to his daughter—You'd come up with Kali's Web. 

Huge thanks to Kenneth W. Cain from Crystal Lake: Torrid Waters for believing in this bizarre story, and to Joe Mynhardt from Crystal Lake. Thanks to Pretty Scary Author Julie Hutchingsfor the fantastic edits. 

Happy this work found a perfect home. I'll be at Stokercon in May with ARCs! 

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